12 St Edward’s r h u b a r b
Roses in the Quad David Balfour (E, 1958-1963)
An article by Mike Fulford (E, 1962-1966) was spotted in March 2015’s issue of Current Archaeology , detailing his early interest in archaeology, and the influence of renowned historian Derek Roe (E, 1950-1956). Derek went on to become an Archaeology Professor at Oxford, a Governor at St Edward’s and a founder of The North Wall. Sadly, he passed away in 2014, and his obituary may be found in the Obituaries section. Professor Fulford was appointed CBE in 2011, and currently works at the University of Reading.
If I am not mistaken they are my mother, or rather named after her – ‘Della Balfour’. They were donated by my father Dick Balfour (E 1930-34). I thought that you might be interested to know that Teddies is in good company. There are three Della Balfour’s planted in Buckingham Palace Gardens. My brother Michael (E, 1960-1965) wrote to the Queen and she graciously accepted our gift of three rose bushes.
f e a t u r e s
Where are they now?
Peter Eveleigh , (G, 1961-1965) has sent in a photograph of a group of Teddies boys on the 1964 DofE Gold expedition in the Lake District, with base camp believed
what everyone has been doing since the photograph was taken over 50 years ago. If you recognise someone, please contact the OSE Office.
to be at Muirside. Peter has provided the following identifications for those in the photographs, and wishes to find out about those he cannot identify, and
From the left: James Dubois (C, 1960-1964), Johnny Scott (F, 1959-1964), Chris Cunliffe (D, 1961-1966), Sir David Lewis (B, 1961-1966), Griffiths, ? Hutchinson,? (Standing), Andy Orton (F, 1959-1964), Peter Hall (F, 1960-1965) Daryl ?
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