Rhubarb October 2022
OSE, parents and some members of the Upper Sixth came together for our Teddies Talks Law event held in November, kindly hosted by Edwin Coe LLP. It was a chance for those working in, or keen to pursue a career in, the legal sector to meet.We heard from a diverse group – a newly qualified Associate, a Barrister, a commercial Operations Lead at Google and a QC – followed by a drinks party and networking opportunity. With particular thanks to Philip Riches QC (Sing’s, 1987-1992) Dana Eyre, current parent and host, Anna Loake (Avenue, 2002-2007) and Christopher Pix (Segar’s, 1989-1994) who gave up their time to be part of the panel and to all the OSE who came.
Rep: Ian Stuart (Field House, 1971-1976) Attendees at this year’s Sydney OSE gathering at The SYDNEY 6TH NOVEMBER 2021
Lord Dudley were: Ian Stuart (Field House, 1971-1976), Stephen Moir (Cowell’s, 1980-1984), Nigel Blower (Tilly’s, 1969-1971) and partner, Stephanie; Simon Marchant (Field House, 1972-1977), Nick Deane (Tilly’s, 1961-1965) and partner, Liz, Mark Hopkinson (Sing’s, 1969-1973); Elgan Potter (Tilly’s, 1976-1981) and partner, Fiona AndrewWilliams (Cowell’s, 1972-1976). It was a convivial evening catching up after a two-year break. Since we are the CORE group (most have been to the gatherings at least four or five times) there was some great ‘chat’, a little discussion about Teddies and a few memories shared!
Look out for details about the next reunion taking place on Saturday 5th November 2022 when we are planning a family-friendly picnic. Get in touch with Ian for more details.
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