Rhubarb October 2022
promoted to Division I! More recently he has been appointed as Defensive Line coach for the British Army American Football team which he does in conjunction with his other coaching commitments. Matt has only recently moved to coaching but says that his successes on the football pitch are owed to the skills he learned playing rugby at Teddies. In his professional life, Matt is a Director at NatWest and specialises in helping customers experiencing financial difficulty. He has three teenage children – one who has just started university at Exeter, one who has just started Sixth Form this year and one who is 14. Matt lives in Bournemouth with his wife and is Chair of Governors at a local school.
We are interested in uplifting, positive ideas of all kinds.The intention is that by reaching out here, we find others with similar interests to help make things happen extending to international cooperatives.The projects we are developing include: Sustainable homeware and furnishings – collaborating with communities to produce beautiful, useful ethical designs we can all be proud of, in every way. Regular social events in beautiful venues – with good food and lovely company, for everyone, of all faiths and none, and all walks of life coming together. Beautiful spaces – helping to provide venues to accommodate meditation groups, art workshops, visiting speakers, as well as some shared good quality accommodation. Homes Heart-Light is connecting musicians and artists throughout the world in partnership with people of all faiths.Together with community agencies, we hope to include in these projects anyone who may currently be vulnerably housed or homeless and to enjoy making music and art and raising funds towards safe happy homes for all.This idea was born of witnessing the talent of the homeless buskers by St Michael's Church in Oxford. Creative arts workshops and movement groups. Affordable sustainably-sourced free-range organic food for all; including space for pop-up shops. For more details visit https://heart-light.org/ minded businesses and creative therapists, and with the help of
EMILIA CLARKE (Corfe, 2000-2005) Emilia Clarke has made her West End debut this summer playing Nina in The Seagull at the Harold Pinter Theatre.The reviews have been hugely positive. The London Theatre review said ‘Emilia Clarke shines in her West End debut… Clarke exudes charisma and likeability… She’s able to convey an intimacy in her performance that fills the space through small gestures and passing looks. It’s hard to keep your eyes off her.’ Variety commented ‘As Nina, making her West End debut, Emilia Clarke is radiantly sincere… Unlike countless more experienced stage actors who have fallen into the trap of displaying Nina’s pain and her helpless, hopelessly unrequited love, Clarke simplifies: she’s dispassionate. It’s a calm, unactorly performance of moving truthfulness.’
HUGH COLES (Kendall, 2006-2011)
Congratulations to Hugh Coles who won 'Best Supporting Performer in a Male Identifying Role in a Musical' at the 22nd Annual WhatsOnStage Awards for his role as George McFly in theWest End production of Back to the Future the Musical. Hugh was also nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for the same role.You can watch Hugh as George McFly at the Adelphi Theatre until October. JOHN GRENVILLE COLLINS (Cowell’s, 1956-1959) Having been Chairman of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society for the last 45 years, and having recently stepped back from this role, the Trustees of this Oxford-based Charitable Incorporated Organisation have now invited John (known as Grenville) to become their Honorary Life President. grenville @ collins.safeserve.com
MATTHEW CLARKSON (Apsley, 1988-1993)
Matt is currently the American Football Coach for the Bournemouth Bobcats adult contact team and the Bournemouth University team. He has led the Bournemouth University team to the most successful year in the University’s American Football history, with the team winning the South Division II Conference with an undefeated 8-0 season and being
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