Rhubarb October 2022
BLENHEIM Triathlon 29th May 2022 C ongratulations to the intrepid souls who stepped up, in and on (though not necessarily in that order) to contest the 2022 BlenheimTriathlon on Sunday 29th May.A mix of staff, pupils and OSE were at the ready with wetsuits, bikes and trainers to take on one, some, or all of the 750m swim, 20km bike ride and 5.5km run events in and around the picturesque grounds of Blenheim Palace. All can be pleased with their participation and completion - if not the Teddies Martyrs Triathlon T-shirt – and we can celebrate some particularly impressive performances. Pupil, Lucy Hanslip (Corfe) was 2nd in the F17-19 category, while the team of Adam Hahn (SCR) (fastest in the swim), Ross Gore (SCR) (3rd fastest on the bike) and Graham Quelch
(SCR) (PB on the run) came in 4th of the Sunday Relay Teams. Due to some illness and injury our two other trios were reduced to pairs: Fred Gowen (SCR) stepped in at the last minute to swim for Jack Davies’ (Sing’s) Cycle and Run Team to come 9th, while the younger elements of Team Livingstone (pupil, Peter, and OSE, Eva) coped remarkably without their ‘off games’ father to come in 13th. Despite a lack of specific training but calling on some deep-rooted endurance from her participation in the Telemark expedition (more on this elsewhere – page 20), OSE Boo Forster-Haig (Avenue, 2003-2005) came in a very commendable 3rd in the F35-39 group. A first timer at the event was Mike Glover (SCR) whose swim was far from his strong suit but stunningly fast cycling and running got him to 7th in the M25-29 group.Well done also to teaching colleagues, Mark Hanslip, Garrett Nagle, Rick Storey and Rachel Bellamy, for solo efforts as well as to top-ten finishers in their age categories, JohnWiggins and OSE, Mark Rogerson (Cowells, 1988-1993)
Report by JohnWiggins (SCR)
Back row: Graham Quelch (SCR), Ross Gore (SCR), Eva Livingstone (Mac’s, 2017-2020) John Wiggins (SCR), Peter Livingstone (pupil), Mike Glover (SCR), Adam Hahn (SCR), Ric Storey (SCR), Mark Hanslip (SCR), Rachel Bellamy (SCR) Front row: Boo Forster-Haig (Avenue, 2003-2005), Lucy Hanslip (pupil).
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