Rhubarb October 2022
Vs MARLBOROUGH MALONES 9th October 2021 A Martyrs side spanning three decades were the eventual winners in a very tight 10-0 win.The two tries came from Ollie Kynge (Apsley, 2013-2018) and LukeValentine (Sing's, 2013-2018). It was an exciting game and great to be playing again after the challenges of the last 18 months! Thank you to all of the players for a great afternoon and a special mention to Peter Swainson (Tilly's, 1995-2000) for all of his hard work organising the team. RICHMOND SUMMER SOCIALS 7s 11th June 2022 T he Martyrs Rugby 7s team took part in the Richmond Summer Social 7s 2022 tournament. The day started well in the sweltering heat, with a comprehensive victory over Oxford Baabaas.Alec Hiscock (Field House, 2012-2014) and Alex Hargreaves (Field House, 2008-2013) both dotting down for tries after some fairly unconventional ‘pick and going’. However, we were soon brought back down to earth (LukeValentine, (Sing’s, 2013-2018) quite literally, after being subject to a nasty hit), with a loss to Liquid Se7ens, who we think accidentally ticked the ‘open’ and not ‘elite’ box when signing up for the tournament! Nonetheless, some good performances were on show, notably Charlie Keen’s (Field House, 2015-2020) 80-metre kick and chase, which was finished in style by Henry Emmott (Kendall, 2013-2018). Report by Hamish Atkinson (Field House, 2006-2011).
The day finished with a tight-fought match against SL Crabittohs narrowly losing out by one try.
Will James (Cowell’s, 2016-2020) Harry Keen (Field House, 2009-2014) Alec Hiscock (Field House, 2012-2014) Charlie Keen (Field House, 2015-2020), Alex Hargreaves (Field House, 2008-2013), Chris Asembo (Kendall, 2008-2013), Sheldon Graddon non-OSE, Luke Valentine (Sing’s, 2013-2018), Henry Emmott (Kendall, 2013-2018).
A great day all round.We’re already looking forward to next year!
Report by Harry Keen (Field House, 2009-2014).
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