Rhubarb October 2022
1. A group of Shells by the Radcliffe Camera during the History Treasure Hunt in the Autumn Term 2021. 2. The first Assembly held in the Olivier Hall at the start of the 2021 Autumn Term. 3. Emma Grounds from the Beyond Teddies team raising money for The Gatehouse at a School bake sale. 4. Elombe Case, Konstantin Girst and Alexandre Bertrand with a ring of water cups at the Oxford Half Marathon. 5. The boys of Kendall carve pumpkins for Halloween. 6. Elsa Marino, Louisa Molloy and Meara James at the Quintin Head. 7. Pupils toast marshmallows over a fire pit during the Autumn Term 2021. 8. Fireworks illuminate Upper 1 during last Autumn Term. 9. Paddy Smith as Tobias in the 2021 Autumn Term’s production of Sweeney Todd. 10. Teddies sailors train for the Eric Twiname Championships. 11. The girls of Corfe on a canoe voyage along the Thames. 12. The girls’ 1st XI hockey team walk on to the pitch at the Olympic Park. 13. Molly Spencer crosses the Steeplechase finish line in September 2021. 14. The rugby pitches with a light dusting of snow in November, captured by Teddies on Camera member Oliver Thomas. 15. Ella Moffatt gazes up at the Teddies Christmas tree.
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