Rhubarb October 2022
Do you have a motto for life?
Can you talk about the highlights? Any tough times?
Life’s too short to be embarrassed.
Each time we arrived at our evening destination, we discussed the original heroes and their resilience and courage. It struck home the sacrifice the men made to complete their mission. It was really important we understood this to make it more than just a physical challenge.
You recently have been back to Teddies to talk to OSE at Special Gaudy and the pupils and parents at Gaudy.What was it like coming back?
I loved it. By writing a speech to give at the School, it made me realise all the things that Teddies brought out in me and the confidence it gave me, despite the awkward self-conscious person I was. The School has developed so much in the last 17 years and I was very proud to stand among the current pupils and teachers.
The whole experience was a highlight but being so isolated, skiing along looking around at the snow-covered mountains was incredible. Being at the front, breaking tracks for the team, it felt as if there was no one else in the world. Equally, being at the back watching our tracks disappear into the distance which should have felt daunting, felt amazing and none of us wanted the adventure to end.
“Life is to be lived, not judged, go and live it”
What advice would you give young people leaving Teddies?
Being with the incredible women and sharing the experience with them was wonderful, being able to help each other and complete the expedition as one will bind us together forever.
Have your own path, seek out your own interests and you will find a world of curiosity.The brain develops differently based on life experiences, so test it. Leap out of your comfort zone, someone will catch you and they may surprise you.You will find more of yourself than you ever knew. Challenge yourself, challenge your opinions and most importantly enjoy yourself. Life is to be lived not judged, go and live it.
What lessons did you learn from this incredible challenge?
Be yourself and believe in yourself.
The expedition was a success due to the high performance of the team, because we let each other be ourselves and fight our own battles.We enabled each other, helped each other to succeed and supported each other.There was no room for egos or competition, we needed to be a cohesive unit, all in it together, owning our challenge but a group of pure individuals.
I believe the biggest and scariest thing sometimes is to be yourself.You put yourself out there, that takes courage.
What’s next for you?
I will continue to build my business and try to inspire my children to recognise their potential. In terms of adventures, there are always things popping up, so I am making a list …
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