Rhubarb October 2022

‘They will tell you it is very down to earth – we thought it was FLYING HIGH ’ ͔͈ͅ ͇͏͏̈́ ͓͈̓͏͏͓͌ ͇͕͉̈́ͅ ‘Leading the way in educational initiatives is instinctive for this DYNAMIC Oxford school’ ͔͔́͌͒ͅ ͓͈̓͏͏͓͌ ͇͕͉̈́ͅ 7HGGLHV FRDFK IURP /RQGRQ YLD %HDFRQVʛHOG HYHU\ ZHHNHQG $Q DGGLWLRQDO URXWH SLFNLQJ XS IURP DFURVV 6RXWK /RQGRQ ZLOO ODXQFK VRRQ %RRN IRU 2SHQ 'D\V DW www.stedwardsoxford.org

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