Rhubarb Issue 12: November 2023

The motivation to keep going is threefold:

My main motivation is that I love it – training, racing, visiting new places I love setting big goals; I have always set myself high standards – even at School! I also ask myself,“why not?!”. Much of my triathlon development is down to saying yes and giving things a go. If I can inspire just one person to say yes to something that scares them, then it's worth it. My latest, slightly mad (having never been a rower!) challenge is taking on “The World’s Toughest Row – Atlantic”.Thankfully I am doing it as part of a trio called ‘Vibe the Wave’. Plans are progressing slowly but surely.We have a boat, Oardrey, and are training at weekends.We need a minimum of 120 hours on the boat but are aiming for 200. I have completed my mandatory safety training and we are in the process of gathering kit and equipment, trialling freeze-dried food (the least fun part of this) and securing sponsorship. Alongside training, sponsorship is our focus, which is much harder than initially anticipated. 1 2 3 You are planning to row across the Atlantic later this year – how are plans going?

“ I love setting big goals; I have always set myself

high standards – even at School! ”


2022 Europe Triathlon Multisport Championships


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