Rhubarb 2021
vertically-challenged, i.e. short, he could not reach the candlesticks without the risk of dropping and damaging them. So he came to what he regarded as the sensible solution of climbing up onto the altar and walking along it, collecting the candlesticks as he went. UnfortunatelyWarden Kendall appeared in the Chapel as John was resolving this difficult problem, and proceeded, maybe rather naturally, as priest and headmaster, to take a dim view of seeing a lad clambering around on the high altar in the dim light at the far east end of the Chapel. John recalled many times, amidst much laughter, that he was ordered to report immediately to theWarden’s study where Warden Kendall explained, almost apologetically it might have seemed, that while there had been a serious breach of
protocol and discipline, he nevertheless was extremely sorry that he would have to beat his Head Sacristan.Which he then proceeded to do. From those schooldays as Chapel Sacristan till the very end, a few days short of 95, John remained a faithful, devout and sincere Anglican.Warden Kendall would have been proud. John’s family in Longparish had held the patronage or right of advowson (to choose the parish’s incumbent) since 1762. With John’s passing, this now passes to the Bishop of Winchester.
His life had been one lived to the fullest.Well done, good and faithful servant…
In Memoriam
TheVenerable David Arthur Rogers (Apsley, 1934-1940)
Stephen Austin Wilkinson (Mac’s, 1932-1937)
Constantine James Schinas (Tilly’s, 1935-1938)
David Richard DenhamWilkinson (Segar’s, 1937-1942)
Died: 10th August 2021
Died: 8th January 2019
Died: 1st January 2014
Died: 23rd November 2021
Frederick Arthur DarleyVincent (Cowell’s, 1939-1942)
Dr Richard Burtles (Tilly’s, 1939-1942)
Richard George Archer (Segar’s, 1939-1942)
Alan Godfrey Hector House (Apsley, 1939-1943)
Died: 8th December 2020
Died: 11th February 2020
Died: 3rd February 2021
Died: 31st December 2020
John Leonard Harris (known as Ian) (Tilly’s, 1939-1945)
Kenneth John Christopher Grenside (Apsley, 1940-1944)
Hanslip Alford Richard Long (Cowell’s, 1940-1944)
John Charles Woodcock (Segar’s, 1940-1945)
Died: 16th April 2020
Died: 18th July 2021
Died: 13th January 2020
Died: 18th December 2020
Brian Gerald Saunders (Field House, 1940-1946)
Geoffrey Michael Charles Kemp (Cowell’s, 1941-1946)
Thomas Anthony Rogers (Apsley, 1941-1945)
Richard Michael Cave Maude (Segar’s, 1941-1945)
Died: 10th August 2020
Died: 6th June 2020
Died: 7th January 2021
Died: 26th February 2020
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