Rhubarb 2021
Hong Kong dinner 26TH MAY 2021 Thank you to Piers Brunner (Sing’s, 1981-1985) for organising the OSE Dinner at the China Club in Central Hong Kong where he was joined by OSE as well as former and current parents. The following attended the dinner: Robert Brothers (Segar’s, 1955-1959), Piers Brunner, Martin Ho (Segar’s 2013-2016), Mark Loasby (Field House, 1963-1968), SydWong (Cowell’s, 1982-1986), Napoleon Biggs (Tilly’s, 1980-1985), Oliver Bolitho, (Field House, 1981-1986), Andrew Long (Mac’s, 1969-1973), BruceVaughan, (Sing’s, 1949-1953), Bernard Kay (Apsley, 2010-2012), Anthony Wong (Sing’s, 2010-2012), Ou Mei Chi (Avenue, 2010-2012) and Natalie Chong (Corfe, 2007-2012).
Thank you to Chris Northcote-Green for organising the Midlands Lunch. He writes." The Midlands OSE Lunch was held at the Norman Knight Whichford on Thursday 27th May 2021, after a gap of two years as a result of Covid. We were able to have sole use of a small marquee, and everyone said how good it was to meet up again socially in a beautiful rural village environment.We were very pleased to have our President David Smart with us and
also theWarden Stephen Jones and his wife Katie. At the end of lunch James Synge who is a descendant of the 4thWarden John Millington Sing proposed a toast to Stephen and Katie wishing them well on their retirement at the end of the summer term after 10 years of outstanding service." Chris Northcote-Green. The following OSE attended lunch: Derek Ainscow (1947-1950), Chris Butterworth (1957-1963), Charles Cooper (1961-1966), Peter Meecham (1952-1956), Chris Northcote-Green (1963-1968), Michael Pickard (1955-1960), David Smart (1968-1972), James Synge (1964-1969), Richard Wenham (1959-1963) plus Stephen Jones (Warden) and JohnWiggins (Hon Sec). SOUTH WEST LUNCH 23RD JUNE 2021
The SouthWest OSE Lunch was held at Lifton in Cornwall onWednesday 23 June 2021.The recently refurbished Arundell Arms provided an excellent venue for the 14 OSE who attended. Sadly, our regional representative, John Crosse (Sing’s, 1955-1960), was unable to attend.The President, David Smart (Field House, 1968-1972) stepped into his shoes for the day. David spoke for a few minutes after the lunch updating the guests about all the Teddies news.There then followed a lively Q&A which gave all OSE the opportunity to ask specific questions about how the School coped with the pandemic.The next meeting is planned for Wednesday 10 November 2021.
The following attended the lunch: Hugh Newhouse (Mac’s, 1956-1961), GerryWilliams (Sing’s, 1952-1957), Richard Stovin-Bradford (Field House, 1971-1975), Anthony Downing (Tilly’s, 1953-1959), NickWetherall (Apsley, 1966-1970), Nigel Hunt (Apsley, 1959-1963), Reg Newhouse (Mac’s, 1953-1958), Roger Davis (Apsley, 1955-1960), David Pusey (Segar’s, 1953-1958), Mike Goodearl (Sing’s 1956-1960), David Pether (Tilly’s, 1959-1964), Hugh Gould (Field House, 1950-1952), James MacDonald-Smith (Sing’s, 1981-1985).
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