Rhubarb 2021



THE OLD ST EDWARD’S LODGE A s the current secretary of the Old St Edward’s Lodge it has fallen to me to give the Rhubarb readers an opportunity to read a short version of the history of the Lodge – not to be confused with the entrance on theWoodstock Road. Old St Edward’s Lodge was consecrated in May 1930 and such esteemed names as The Bishop of Southwell,The Rev K Menzies, JD Gauntlett, GS Percival OSE (1985-1900), PE Lephard OSE (1893-1895), CM Kennedy OSE (1897-1900), JE Baldwin OSE (1919-1928), JF Falwasser OSE(1911-1918), RL Castley OSE (1932-1937) DG Fletcher Rogers, DGA Quemby, RH (Dan) Wyman, JA Green, CL Kennedy, JF Annear, R. Bond (RSM School cadets), Christopher NortonWelsh have passed through as members andWorshipful Masters. In October 2021 we are to be the Lodge of Research for Oxfordshire, we will deliver lectures online on many subjects about Masonry etc, whilst continuing as a Craft Lodge at all other times. The Lodge is open to any male with a connection to the School, be it from the Common Room, Staff, OSE, Fathers, Brothers and Sons, but it has also been an “Open Lodge” which allows anyone who is interested in joining to come along.

VERNON, LT COLONEL JAMES MICHAEL (Sing’s,1974-1979) Mike, Comptroller of the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, was central to the planning of HRH Prince Phillip’s funeral and was also involved in the State Opening of Parliament on 11th May 2021. He’s pictured here at the Queen’s birthday parade at Windsor Castle in June.


We are a daylight Lodge meeting at Cardinal House, Baldon Lane, Marsh Baldon, Oxon OX44 9LT. 2nd Saturdays, in March, May and October.

Should anyone be interested in our cause please contact me on: GuyWilliams (Segar’s, 1970-1973) Phone: 07752 814144 grwilliams56 @ live.co.uk


WRIGHT, LU (Oakthorpe, 2010-2015) Lu released her debut album, Notes to Self , in June 2021. Music magazine Wonderland describes the album as ‘leaning on elements of neo-soul and R&B’, crafted from ‘smooth-sailing soundscapes using jazzy-flecked vocals and melodic productions.’ Her debut single, British Daisy , was a regular feature on BBC Introducing and critically acclaimed by CLASH and Earmilk magazines. Lu’s music is available on all major streaming platforms.

CAN YOU HELP? PICTURES REQUEST FOR THE SCHOOL ARCHIVES T he School Archives prides itself on its collection of photographic images going back to the very earliest days and are constantly looking to fill gaps or to upgrade the copies held. Listed here are House and Sports group pictures we are interested in. Good quality scans (600 dpi plus) are perfectly acceptable, but please do not send glass framed images without prior arrangement. In some of the years shown the ‘missing’ pictures may never have been taken at all, for instance in war time, but they are still shown in the ‘missing list’ as there is no proof of this. Obviously, if names are also included this is a bonus but not absolutely essential. Thank you for your help. HOUSE GROUP PICTURES COWELL’S (Set A) 1893, 1895, 1897-8, 1902-4, 1906-8, 1910-18, 1926-7, 1929-32, 1935-6, 1939-40,1942,1944-52, 1950-62, 2000-7, 2010, 2017-2021 SING’S (Set B) 1893, 1897-9, 1903, 1905-6, 19O8-12, 1914, 1916-18, 1925-48, 1956, 1958-60, 1962, 1975, 1988, 1993, 200-1, 2004-7, 2009-10, 2018-2021 FIELD HOUSE (Set C) 1893-5, 1897, 1899, 1901-5, 1910-13, 1915-18, 1920, 1926-32, 1934, 1936-7, 1949, 1952-3, 1972-3, 2000-10, 2018-21 MAC’S (Set D) 1893-4, 1897-1919, 1921, 1930, 1977, 1997-8, 2000-6, 2018-2021 APSLEY (Set E) 1897, 189-1906,1908-12, 1914, 1916-8, 1921, 1925-6, 1932-3, 1935-51, 1957-67, 2001-5, 2017-21 TILLY’S (Set F) 1920-1, 1925-30, 1937-43, 1964-5, 1973, 2001-2, 2005, 2017-2020 MENZIES’ 1925, 1930-2 SEGAR’S 1935-6, 1938-9 1944, 1946-9, 1963-70, 1972-3 2006-10, 2017-2021 KENDALL 2000-7, 2009, 2017-20 OAKTHORPE 2000-8, 2020, 2018-2020 CORFE 1981, 1993-4, 2000-10, 2018-21 COOPER LODGE 2019-2021 AVENUE 2001-10, 2018-2021 JUBILEE 2013, 2018-2021 SPORTS GROUP PICTURES (1ST TEAMS) RUGBY FOOTBALL XV 1872-6, 1879-81, 1914-15, 1921, 1940, 2002, 2013, 2018, 2019-21 CRICKET XI 1873-4, 1916, 1972, 1988, 1996-7, 2001, 2018-21 ROWING IV (BOYS) 1907, 1909, 1916, 1918, 1922-3, 1926-7, 1960-80, 1982, 1986-7, 1991-9, 2001-2, 2004-8, 2001-21 ROWINGVIII (BOYS) 1893-4, 1896-9, 1901, 1903, 1905-6, 1909, 1911-24, 1926-31, 1965, 1985, 1988, 1996, 2007, 2019-2021 ROWING IV (GIRLS) 1984, 1987, 1993, 1997-8, 2001-2, 2004-7, 2009, 2015-16, 2019-21 ROWING VIII (GIRLS) 1984-6, 1988-9, 1998-9, 2001-8, 2010-21 HOCKEY XI (BOYS) 1930-5, 1937, 1941, 1943-9, 1968, 1970-1, 1988, 1996-7, 1999, 2002-4, 2012-4, 2016, 2018-21 HOCKEY XI (GIRLS) 1986-7, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006-7, 2009, 2013-14, 2017-21 NETBALLVII 1991-3, 1996-9, 2003-7, 2013-21

Chris Nathan, St Edward’s School Archivist: nathanc @ stedwardsoxford.org


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