Rhubarb 2021
The Martyrs Boat Club is now looking forward to the resumption of calendared rowing events.We hope to boat one, if not two, competitive VIIIs at the Eton ‘Old Blades’ Regatta on 18th September at Dorney Lake.Thereafter, it is hoped that we will be able to increase our levels of participation at events going forward and would like to hear from OSE who may be interested in competing for the Martyrs Boat Club. If you are interested, please contact the OSE Office (ose @ stedwardsoxford.org).
Will Morgan (B, 2013-18) Martyrs Rowing Representative
BLENHEIM Triathlon 2020 A doughty dozen of Teddies staff and OSE completed the BlenheimTriathlon Sprint course on Sunday 13th September. With ages ranging from twenties to sixties it was a mixed bunch to be sure but all had undeniable spirit and gave it a go, even in a socially distanced sort of way. Many were struggling to overcome a variety of injuries and limited preparation in certain disciplines but all completed the 750m lake swim, the 20km bike ride (three laps of the hilly Blenheim grounds) and the final and equally hilly 5.4km run. First home was Richard Potts (E, 1995-2000) in just over 91 minutes, while our highest ranked finisher was Boo Haigh (M, 2000-05) in an impressive 95 minutes coming 14th out of 89 in her age group. Her performance was significantly boosted by a rapid 4:24 m/km pace on the run – she was certainly a blur as she rushed past me! Fastest of the staff contingent was sleep-deprived new father Nic Bond, with a Phelps-like 13:34 swim and overall time of 1 hour 33 minutes.
I took my hat off to DT teacher Andrew Rush who was one of theWeekendWarriors, those of a certain mindset and undoubted fitness who do their first course on Saturday morning and then repeat until time or legs run out. Andrew completed an amazing eight of the Sprint courses over the weekend ranking him 17th of the 67 starters, on his feet or in the lake for 13 hours and 25 minutes. Well done all who took part in this event (postponed from May) to continue Teddies’ involvement in the Triathlon after our inaugural attendance in 2019.The 2021 individual and team relay events will be taking place as we go to print so we look forward to reporting on that in next year’s Rhubarb. TeamTeddies 2020: OSE: Richard Potts (E, 1995-00), Boo Haigh (M, 2000-05), AlexWiggins (A, 2002-07), Hector Ahern (E, 2006-11), Will Kinman (B, 2007-12), Josh Norgate (F, 2007-12) Staff: Rachel Bellamy, John Simpson, Garrett Nagle, Rick Storey, Nic Bond, JohnWiggins
JohnWiggins Honorary Secretary, SES Society
Standing: Josh Norgate,Will Kinman, Alex Wiggins, John Wiggins, (Common Room), Hector Ahern, Rick Storey, Suzy Storey, John Simpson. Kneeling: Barnaby Ware (Non-OSE), John Harrison (Non-OSE), Boo Haig, Rachel Bellamy, Nic Bond
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