Rhubarb 2021
MARTYRS GOLF ‘SUMMER MEETING’ AT FRILFORD HEATH GOLF CLUB – FRIDAY 16TH JULY 2021 A fter an extended break for 2020 and much of 2021, I’m pleased to report that the easing of Covid restrictions enabled the Martyrs Golf Society to hold the ‘Summer Meeting’ at Frilford Heath GC in July. We were lucky to have excellent weather and a golf course in top condition.The meeting totalled 24 (23 OSE and Rick Storey from the MCR) and it was great to see many new faces, with Charlie Reid (C, 2016-17), Jonny Gabriel (C, 1998-2003) Will Kinman (B, 2007-12), Josh Norgate (F, 2007-12), Aron Coleman (B, 2010-15), Ed Kinman (B, 2010-15) and recent Leaver Jack Parry (C, 2018-21) all playing for the first time. Play was over the Red Course, which had hosted an amateur event three days earlier (and was therefore set up for Championship play!), and this provided a stern test for the Martyrs golfers competing for the Palau Bucket and Kitchin Quaich. Reports from the first group were of fast and true greens, firm fairways and long rough. However, a number of good scores were recorded.The longest drive was won by Alastair Simmie (C, 1998-2003), with the nearest the pin
on the 11th won by Kerr Drummond (G, 1998-2003). The Kitchin Quaich (for the lowest scratch score) was won by the indefatigable Robin Ellis (G, 1964-69) with 27 points (playing off 5), while the Palau Bucket (for the best Stapleford score) was won for the first time by Michael Palau (B, 1959-64), who donated the beautiful champagne bucket that bears his name to the Society a few years ago, with 36 points (playing off 18). We enjoyed drinks and sandwiches on the patio overlooking the 18th green after play, where we were joined by SES Society President David Smart (C, 1968-72) and Nick Parry (A, 1986-91). It was a good chance to catch up with old friends from our time at St Edward’s and from playing with the Society, as well as an opportunity to make new friends and recount stories of play from the day. It had been a long break for Martyrs Golf, but it was pleasing to see so many OSE eager to join the Society for a wonderful day of golf. Our next event, the ‘Autumn Meeting’ will be played at Denham Golf Club on Thursday 28th October. If you would like to join us at Denham, please email martyrsgolf @ gmail.com to confirm your interest. I would also urge you to get in touch with a contemporary and encourage them to play and hopefully we’ll end up with a meeting of 30+ attendees!
Peter Neal (H, 1993-98) Martyrs Golf Representative
Back row: David Cannon, Rodney Haig, Kerr Drummond, Stephen Matthews (hidden), Charlie Reid, Freddie Kerr-Dineen, Aron Coleman Fourth row: Robin Ellis, Ruairi Keeley, Ollie Smith, Ed Kinman. Third row: Freddie Cross, Jonny Gabriel, Alastair Simmie, Josh Norgate,Will Kinman, Nick Parry Second row: Neil Fillingham, Michael Palau, Jack Parry. Front row: Peter Swainson, Peter Neal, Andrew Jackson, Rick Storey (MCR). Photo taken by David Smart
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