Rhubarb 2021
H KENDALL K endall is a fun, vibrant House with a strong, passionate spirit. Kendall is located on the Field Side overlooking the 1st VX rugby pitch and with its size, location and Sixth Form ensuite rooms it is the envy of all! It is known for its close bonds between year groups, strong community and its competitiveness in inter-house events. My favourite aspect of Kendall is that it feels like a home away from home with its relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.The House community was kept alive during lockdown via events held online including competitions and quizzes. A personal highlight was the family quiz night over Zoom with over 45 families taking part. Post lockdown, we had to remain in House bubbles which has brought the boys in House even closer with regular events such as our hot dog nights on a Monday and waffle night on a Thursday. Kendall is a House with a range of talents from sport to drama to music.This term we dominated the House tennis and celebrated with a pizza night. Last term we also held a virtual Kendall arts festival where all the boys showed off their musical and dramatic skills.We had our House dinner in May which was a great opportunity to celebrate being together after a tough second term.We have recently said a fond farewell to Mr Waghorn and look forward to welcoming our new Housemaster Mr Bunch as well as the new Shells to Kendall in September.
JUBILEE J ubilee House is one of the most welcoming houses at Teddies.When you walk
N inside the simple layout is inviting.The atrium remains busy and bustling throughout the day and acts as the heart of the House. During the last year our normal routine has become very much more House-based. Meals have been eaten in Houses and more time spent in House. As a result of this Jubilee has never felt more like a home.We start off the day with callover, where we all come together and listen to Mr Davies read the messages for the day while Scout trots around, barking in excitement when there is applause.We look forward to break times, especially on Saturdays when we are lucky enough to enjoy freshly baked treats courtesy of Cassie, our Matron. As we munch away under the handprints of previous Jubilee girls, we are reminded that we not only represent ourselves in our everyday endeavours, but also the many who have come before us. Jubilee has been very successful: we won House Netball this year and House debating last year. Jubilee girls have achieved much across the board in dance, drama, art and sport. Our House has no single defining trait. It is the diverse range of talents that we have that makes Jubilee, Jubilee.
Alex Sharman
Rosie Perkins
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