Rhubarb 2021

HOME SWEET HOME After an unusual year of lockdown and remote learning, we asked the new Heads of House to write about their experience of boarding in the Summer Term, post-lockdown. Here they bring to life modern boarding and help capture the spirit of their house and what makes it special to them.


E classmates about issues that definitely did not pertain to the topic of the lesson. Passing the surgery for the first time in months, I was gladdened to find that it was now once again the vibrant heart of the House.The Shells, of course, had already begun creating their unending rabble of noise much to the annoyance of the Fourth and Fifth Form who finally realised how annoying they must have been in their Shell year. Beth, our Matron, ran from boy to boy distributing paracetamol, honey lemon tea, and an assortment of chocolate treats, occasionally chiding boys who thought they had got away with snatching two chocolate bars instead of the allotted one. Members of the Upper Sixth have usually understood after five years of experience that the best moments are when things quieten down and a humorous chat about life’s complexities can be had.Whilst the Coronavirus has been detrimental to life at Teddies I can say wholeheartedly that the spirit of the House, and indeed the School, is not easily broken.Through enduring the experience of distancing I think we have learnt not to take each other’s company for granted and that we should always make the most of what we have. APSLEY R eturning to Apsley after our third (and hopefully final) lockdown has undoubtedly been an enlightening experience that I couldn’t fully explain in words.The call overs and ridged schedule felt alien, largely in light of the fact I was no longer able to wake up at my casual 8:25am, but it also felt familiar to be greeted by the guys in House who had predictably amassed a group to head down to breakfast together. Being in a real classroom surrounded by people other than my parents was also a great improvement as it meant that I could chat to my

M was really excited to get back in the House.We were put into year group bubbles which allowed us to make the most of our time together as we had not seen each other for so long. However, the integration between all the year groups still continued throughout the term with weekly cake nights on a Tuesday and frequent activities such as cooking and baking in the front common room. It was lovely to see all the House staff in person rather than on a screen as I had missed the very comfortable yet respectful relationship between staff and pupils. Miss Ramadharsingh is such a good source of guidance and a figure we can all look up to - her determination and resilience are strong parts of her character that don’t go unnoticed in the House. Miss Mackrell, the Assistant Housemistress, and Mr Gillingwater, the Resident Tutor, are always coming up with new activities for the House to do together, for example, a tea and scones event on a Sunday afternoon near the start of the term which I really enjoyed. As the new Head of House in Avenue, I am really looking forward to working with the House staff next year and continuing the legacy of the former Heads of Houses. Avenue A venue is a House that encourages development and has a supportive network. Post-lockdown everyone

Amy Burnett

Jules Ford


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