Rhubarb 2021
Last Autumn Term’s production of The Crucible was beset by challenges, including rehearsals that began remotely with the director in isolation, but the performance was a triumphant and mesmerising depiction of the 1690 Salem witch trials.Tom Chamberlin OSE, who played John Proctor in a 2004 production commented: ‘I am fortunate to have performed with a formidable cast, including Emilia Clarke as Abigail, and Pippa Bennett-Warner as Elizabeth.This cast are sure to go
onto equally terrific things in whatever field they choose.’
Head of History HuwThomas and Sixth Form historians started up a very lively and informative Instagram page: @ teddies_history that has kept us up to date with many of the important happenings throughout the ages.
The pupils put on a stunning show at the ballet recital in December. Dance continues to be enjoyed by more and more pupils, and we now have a boys ballet corps, pictured here.
At the community farm on school grounds near the Boathouse two friendly pigs named Asterix and Obelix arrived. Pupils continue to volunteer there in the Beyond Teddies programme.
In September Apsley became the School’s third co-ed Boarding House when HM Claire Hamilton welcomed the first cohort of Lower Sixth girls into the Apsley Annexe
The striking Chapel Triptych was commissioned by Stephen Jones, created by Peter Lloyd-Jones and generously funded by our OSE.
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