Rhubarb 2021


president’s REPORT David Smar t (Field House, 1968-1972) T he last year has indeed been a challenge for all, particularly for schools who had to re-invent themselves overnight. St Edward’s did a

John Wiggins, Hon Sec, David Smart, President and James MacDonald-Smith, Vice President


accessible to OSE living all around the world and will stream as many of our pupil performances as possible.

During lockdown I began phoning OSE over the age of 75 to wish them a Happy Birthday and to make sure they were keeping well. This is something I have continued and although I am not able to get through to all, those I have spoken to have been extremely interested to hear how the School is performing.This has been a most enjoyable feature of my Presidency. Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the 13thWarden, Stephen Jones. Stephen has realised Simeon’s vision of completing the Quad with our magnificent new buildings. His legacy is not just the physical building work that has been undertaken but the progress made over the past 10 years in pastoral care and pedagogical development, with the introduction of a new middle school curriculum, Pathways and Perspectives, which supplements the GCSE programme, and the choice of IB or A level for Sixth Form pupils. Stephen’s leadership and innovation has been outstanding. It was a great pleasure presenting Stephen with a silver salver on behalf of us all to thank and congratulate him. We have now moved onto the next era, having welcomed the 14thWarden, Alastair Chirnside, in September. Alastair, I know, looks forward to meeting many of you during his first year in post. We wish him luck and pledge him our support.

magnificent job continuing to provide first class education whilst keeping everyone safe. Quite incredibly not one school bubble had to be sent home for isolation during the entire year.We must pay tribute to Stephen Jones and the SubWarden, Tony Darby, and their excellent teams for protecting all their pupils and staff so brilliantly. At the beginning of lockdown the Society made the decision to hold as many events virtually as was feasible.These includedWine Tasting, a Quiz Night, the Carol Service and several committee meetings. I hope, like me, you enjoyed watching the Gaudy performances online.These can still be viewed by going to www.stedwardsoxford. org/whats-on/ teddies-presents. Despite some remaining uncertainty, we are all hoping this year we will be allowed to resume hosting live events. Following a strategic review we have completely re-evaluated our calendar of events, as you will see on the printed postcard within this magazine. We hope with this significant increase in range and scope of events that there will be something here for everyone to get involved with. If not, please do let me know! We have made the decision to host one very special, large event at Teddies each year to which all OSE and their families will be invited.These large-scale events will be on a three-year rolling cycle starting with a Special Gaudy (Arts festival and sporting afternoon) in June 2022, followed by a Black Tie Dinner in March 2023, and, in June 2024, a Family Fun day including outdoor experiments, art experiences and multi-generational sporting challenges.There will also be new annual 25- and 50-year reunions, at least six Regional Dinners or Lunches (with great thanks to all our Regional Reps), three Teddies Talks career events, University Supper Tours and an annual Inspiring People lecture in the new Olivier Hall.We will also continue to hold quiz and wine tasting events virtually to be

Presentation of the silver salver to the 13th Warden, Stephen Jones, with Simon Talbot-Williams (Cowell’s 1974-1979), President of the Martyrs and David Smart


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