Rhubarb 2021

Dan Kilpatrick and George Baggaley

George Baggaley and Dan Kilpatrick recent

Dan Kilpatrick (Segar’s, 2000-2006)


Character in The Crucible 2004: Putnam

Tom Chamberlin

Tom Chamberlin, recent

Tell us about your time at Teddies? I was doing Drama AS-Level and we had already studied The Crucible in class – I had enjoyed the play and was excited to be involved. I was initially cast as Parris but was changed (demoted) to Putnam after the initial read through. It was plainly the right call as the guy who was given Parris, Andrew Goddard, was terrific and is now a professional actor, I think. I most clearly remember that Ms Maycock intended the play (at least in part) as a metaphor for Bush's America and some of the more hysterical scenes were set against the backdrop of images of Bush and Cheney (looking demonic, I think). My Mum invited her American friend to one of the performances and it turned out she was a committed Republican and was tremendously offended. It caused a big row. I was good friends with George Baggaley (Segar’s, 2001- 2006) and Angus Holburn (Kendall, 2001-2006) and others in the cast, so it was a really fun production to be involved in. What have you been up to since leaving St Edward’s? I live in London and work as a journalist, currently working as Chief Football Correspondent for the Evening Standard.

Tom Chamberlin (Kendall, 2000-2005)

Character in The Crucible 2004: John Proctor

Tell us about your time at Teddies? My time at Teddies was never boring. I still see all the guys in my House around Christmas every year and the same stories are told. The Crucible was in my final year and a great highlight of my time at School. I was the beneficiary of a terrific cast who made me look half decent. What have you been up to since leaving St Edward’s? I did a few years working on the X Factor, then left television to work in publishing and for the last seven years have been the Editor-in-Chief of The Rake , which is one of the leading men’s magazines in the world. Who was your most inspirational teacher at Teddies? Mr Lauder (MCR, 2001-2006), my old Housemaster, would definitely be the first person I’d describe as a mentor. Also worth mentioning is Mr Coram-Wright (MCR, 2000-present) from my time in the CCF, and of course Mr Lambe (MCR, 2003-2020) whose very sad passing reminded me of what an impact a terrific teacher can have. Of course, having a teacher like Lucy Maycock was special, as she allowed for self-belief, which for any teenager is critical. What is your fondest memory of your time at Teddies? At the risk of sounding uninventive, it has to be The Crucible.

What is your fondest memory of your time at Teddies? Afternoons spent playing sports on the fields.

Who was your most inspirational teacher at Teddies? Mrs Kerr-Dineen (MCR, 1999-2009). Firm, fair and good fun. A great English teacher.


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