Rhubarb 2021
How did your teaching career at Teddies prepare you for those cultural tours? I was first asked to do a tour of Florence and, following that, Rome. I realised I had this knowledge which I’d acquired when I was teaching at Teddies, before I became a Housemaster. I would always go abroad every holiday, and over the summer I would always take three Sixth Formers with me.We’d take CCF kit and camp – I drove all over Western Europe and over time I built up this cultural and historical knowledge of the places I was visiting. I always had a rule when teaching and that was to never teach with notes.When I was doing these tours, I always thought it important to be spontaneous and, of course, I often forgot a few things or made mistakes, but it was not a heavy price to pay to prevent sheer boredom! I suppose the area which I know very well would be Burgundy and the Romanesque architecture of that region.When I was a small boy, reading all those books, I was taken to Kirkstall Abbey and made to draw it. I couldn’t draw but that didn’t bother me – it taught me to look closely and so from quite a young age I was always interested in buildings and architecture. So, on all the tours I did in Europe, architecture was always a big part of it. So, if I could only go to one place in the world it would be Burgundy. And, of course, Burgundy has the best wine in the world! With all your knowledge of Europe and the tours you’ve done, what is your favourite historical or cultural destination and why?
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