Rhubarb 2021


beyond teddies Partnership: Community: Fundraising B eyond Teddies embraces the entire St Edward’s community, creating an environment of friendship, support and learning for all. We believe that learning doesn’t stop when you leave the classroom, in fact, it never stops.


can drive change and it can inspire. We believe our community can help inspire and support the young people in our community, and not just those fortunate to come to St Edward’s, but those within our partnership schools too. The Beyond Teddies team creates many and varied melting pot initiatives! Working with great people at School and within our parental and alumni body, events, communications and networks are in place and growing, to give everyone something they might be interested in. If there isn’t, let us know, and you can help us create it!

Learning is ignited by people. Beyond Teddies brings together all different types of people from across our whole community to learn together and to share with each other. That melting pot of people is exciting, it can drive ideas, it

The Beyond Teddies team comprises of three areas, each independent but reliant on each other :

What ties all these areas together is impact: impact for pupils, alongside our partners for our whole community, facilitated with the help of fundraising. P artnership: Community: Fundraising

David Smart, President of the St Edward’s School Society; Ellie Parker, Beyond Teddies Assistant; Emily Rowbotham, Engagement Manager ; Rachael Henshilwood, Director of Development and Partnerships; Emma Grounds, Database and Gifts Manager ; JohnWiggins, Hon Sec of the St Edward’s School Society. Photo taken at the 2020 Leavers’ Garden Party, September 2021


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