Rhubarb 2020

ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b


FOOTBALL Rep: Hugo Brister (F, 2005-2010)

TRIATHLONS Rep: Grace Gilbert (née Robinson) (K, 2005-2010) What do you do as Triathlon Rep? I came up with the idea to expand the Martyrs

What did you most enjoy during your time at Teddies? The people and the range of activities and facilities available. Being

neither particularly sporty nor arty before arriving at Teddies, I was opened up to a new world of opportunity in which you are both encouraged and nurtured to excel in any field. What events does the Martyrs Football Club get involved in? There are traditionally two ‘Sports Days’ in the OSE calendar, one in October and the other in March, when we play fixtures against the School. What are your plans for 2020-21 and beyond? I plan to organise more regular 11-a-side fixtures against other ‘old boys’ sides, both in Oxford and in London. If there is enough interest I would also like to set up weekly five-a-side matches and/or tournaments in Central London, which would create a great opportunity to play some football and also provide a good excuse to meet up with old friends from Teddies. Playing kit, pitches and referees are always organised, so all you need to do is turn up! All abilities are welcome. How can interested OSE can get in touch? I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in playing for the Martyrs Football Club, so please don’t hesitate to contact me via Alumnet. Join Alumnet to find out more.

offering into triathlon (as it is a personal passion of mine, being a 4x ironman finisher). We have successfully run one event to date, participating in the Blenheim Triathlon in 2019. I am looking to develop this further and potentially get a squad together for the Oxford Triathlon held at Radley College and to suggest other ‘old boys’ or ‘old girls’ teams get involved (e.g. Radley, Abingdon, Marlborough, MCS) to get a bit of school rivalry going! How regularly do you meet? Blenheim Triathlon is an annual meet and I hope to attend more triathlons next year. What standard do you need to be to get involved? Any level – we are really welcoming and encourage any OSE of any age to get involved regardless of ability! Any highlights? Blenheim Triathlon 2019 – a great turn out with over 25 OSE taking part! What are your plans for 2020-21 and beyond? We are hoping to participate in the potentially re-arranged Blenheim Triathlon later this year and then expand into the Oxford Triathlon in 2021. Join Alumnet to find out more.


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