Rhubarb 2020

ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b

LADIES’ SPORT Rep: Grace Gilbert (née Robinson) (K, 2005-2010) What did you most enjoy during your time at Teddies? How much sport we got to play and how much free time we got to enjoy (if only one still got that much free time!) What do you do as the Rep for Ladies’ Sport? I organise any Ladies’ sports for the Martyrs, but predominantly hockey, because that’s where the previous demand has been (and also what historically we have focused on). What events do you get involved in? Generally, the Ladies always participate in the DC Sixes, a six-a-side tournament hosted and organised by Dean Close School in Cheltenham. Our results have been great; coming second in the inaugural year of the tournament in 2016 and then winning the tournament in 2017 and 2018! In the last two years we have managed to raise sides to play 11-a-side fixtures against the School’s 1st XI at Teddies – winning on both occasions! – and have


Any highlights? Winning the DC Sixes in 2017 and 2018! What are your plans for 2020-21 and beyond? We are planning to enter the DC Sixes again and hold another fixture against the School 1st XI, which will be followed by a social event at Teddies. How can interested OSE get in touch? We have a Facebook page and WhatsApp group. Join Alumnet to find out more.

run a “Sunday Funday” six-a-side hockey tournament at Battersea Park in SW London, raising three mixed OSE teams. What standard do you need to be to get involved? Any level! We typically have some very talented players (who still play league hockey, hence why events tend to be on Sundays), but we are really welcoming and encourage anyone to get involved regardless of ability. Kit is provided – it is women-specific (proving we aren’t forgotten about) and it is in the classic Rhubarb colours!


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