Rhubarb 2019

68 ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b

Golf In May, just as the final pairings teed up for the final round of the USPGA on the Bethpage Black Course with one eye on the Wanamaker Trophy, so, too, the Martyrs six-man side started their rounds with the hope that they would lift the Grafton Morrish trophy in front of the St Edward’s shield which sits on the wall in the Hunstanton Golf Club. A well-presented North Hants course, complete with flowering rhododendrons and two new tees on the 3rd and 4th adding some additional 40 yards, provided the backdrop. The team included Olly Oakley (C, 2008-2013) and Tom Hargreaves (C, 2002-2007) making their debuts. Conditions were calm and two opening pars on difficult holes took

Tennis Mike Denvir, Alex Martin-Lof, Joe Burton, Cam Hoang, Oscar Costof and Giles Wordsworth faced strong opposition from the Martyrs side, Dominic Evan-Hart (F, 1989-1994), Greg Kratt (H, 2012-2017), Karl Walker (F, 1989-1994), Tim Usher (E, 1960-1965), Hugo Martin (E, 1998- 2003) and Rupert Martin (C, 2003-2008). There was an overall 7-2 win for the Martyrs. Dominic Evan-Hart (F, 1989-1994)

Martyrs Representatives President Simon Talbot-Williams simon@talbotscott.co.uk Vice-President Peter Swainson peterswainson@hotmail.com Honorary Secretary Hugo McNeile hmcn@btopenworld.com Athletics & Harriers Freddie Slemeck and Fin Kettlewell fslemeck@caci.co.uk finkettlewell@hotmail.com Boat Club William Morgan williammorgan2286@googlemail.com Clay Pigeon Shooting Ben Stillwell ben.stillwell@martyrs-sports.org Cricket Simon Talbot-Williams and Peter Swainson simon@talbotscott.co.u peterswainson@hotmail.com Football Henry Maas hdmaas1@gmail.com Golf Peter Neal martyrsgolf@gmail.com Hockey them up the leaderboard early and showed a clear demonstration of intent for the round to follow. A birdie on the 3rd for Tim Smart (C, 2001-2006) and Peter Neal (K, 1993-1998) steadied their ship and paved the way for some good golf but scoring on the firm North Hants greens proved challenging. Andrew Marsh (C, 1978-1983) and Marcus Oates (F, 1977-1979), the undefeated pair from Hunstanton in 2017, were unable to bring their early season form to the fairways on this occasion. It was an enjoyable day but, despite all the team’s efforts, 2019 wasn’t the year for the Martyrs side. The links of Hunstanton and Royal West Norfolk will have to wait for another year. We are looking forward to it already.  Tim Smart (C, 2001-2006)


Getting in touch

Real Tennis Simon Talbot-Williams and Charlie Harris simon@talbotscott.co.uk charlie_harris123@hotmail.co.uk Rifle Shooting Henry Thomson henry.catesby@googlemail.com Rugby Matt Holyland and Hamish Atkinson mattholyland@hotmail.co.uk hamish.atkinson@hotmail.co.uk Sailing Charlie Preston charpres@gmail.com Squash James Dubois james@BDA-Associates.co.uk St Vincent Society Phillip Blanchard p.blanchard2@btinternet.com Tennis Dominic Evan-Hart dominic@jmg-associates.com All the various Martyrs clubs are always looking for more players, so whether you’re playing regularly or haven’t picked up a stick, racket, oar, bat or club in years, please do get in touch with the relevant Club Rep directly or via the OSE Office as they would be delighted to hear from you!

Cornwall John Crosse jpcrosse108@gmail.com Midlands Chris Northcote-Green northcotegreens@aol.com Wales Graeme Morgan graememorgan@btinternet.com Australia Ian Stuart ikstuart@bigpond.net.au New Zealand David Brooke anda.brooke@xtra.co.nz North West Michael Cox hethatcoxylot33@btinternet.com Hong Kong Piers Brunner piers.brunner@gmail.com Singapore George Rippon georgerippon@mailfence.com East Africa Hugo Johnstone hugo@reavipingo.co.ke USA Michael St John Rowbotham mrowbotham@hotmail.com China Danny Parrott dannyjosaparrott@hotmail.co.uk Canada Charlie Malone and Roger Leach cmalone@wildlaw.ca roger.leach@shaw.ca UAE Richard Morris richard.morris528@gmail.com

Jasper Joyce and George Creed jasperjoyce@hotmail.co.uk georgecreed3@hotmail.co.uk Ladies’ Sport Grace Robinson gracerobinson@live.co.uk

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