Rhubarb 2019

64 ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b

27th April 2019 – Tilly’s Reunion On Saturday 27th April we welcomed over 100 Tilly’s OSE back to the School. The new boards recording Heads of House and Housemasters seemed like a good excuse to invite everyone back and join us for tours of the House and an afternoon tea. Guests spanned many years from Ray Waddington- Jones (F, 1944-1948) to a large group of 2015 leavers. It was wonderful to see so many former Housemasters and their families - Pam Williams and Sheila Pargeter, Chris Danziger, Clive Dytor, Phil Jolley and Lewis Faulkner. The current Tilly’s boys did a fantastic job of touring the OSE around the House and they enjoyed hearing funny stories about abseiling down the front of the House when the fire alarm went off and throwing pillows out of the Fourth Form dormitory. There have been many changes in the physical shape of Tilly’s over the years but the House spirit and sense of belonging continues! 3rd May 2019 – OSE Military Dinner Teddies held its fourth annual military dinner in the Warden’s Dining Room. This year saw a healthy turnout with multiple generations of OSE who had spent time in one of the three Armed Services. The Warden started the evening with a spirited account of the School’s close link with the military, and particularly that with the airmen of the Second World War. A superb dinner was concluded with a speech by Major Bernard Broad, Grenadier Guards. A double lower-limb amputee after being involved in an IED attack in Afghanistan in 2009, Major Broad went on to captain the UK’s 2017 Invictus Games team. He spoke of some of his memories from his 33 years in the Army and offered some sage advice to those gathered. The event was wholly enjoyable, and is now firmly established in the OSE calendar. Patrick Hinton (H, 2006-2011).


OSE SW Lunch 10th April 2019

10th April 2019 – SW OSE Lunch 17 OSE attended the luncheon at the Arundell Arms, Lifton. The report from John Wiggins had been circulated prior to the day. Although I drew attention to the Blenheim Triathlon event in early June, I am sorry to say that none of the OSE volunteered to participate in this!!  I am pleased to say that there were two OSE who had not previously attended one of whom was Dr Nick Cooling (C, 1969-1974). Nick is a Consultant General Psychiatrist who not only specialises in personal injury cases but who has been called upon to give expert evidence in many major inquiries including Hillsborough and the Omagh bombing. He gave a talk about his latest book entitled Twelve Shaldon People (see p.34) which was very entertaining. The meal was as usual excellent and everyone enjoyed the occasion. John Crosse  (B,1955-1960) In attendance: John Crosse (B, 1955- 1960), Roger Davis , (E, 1955-1960), Hugh Newhouse (D, 1956-1961), John Davis (E, 1952-1957), Reg Newhouse (D, 1953- 1958), David Pusey , (G, 1953-1958), Nigel Fitzhugh (B, 1960-1964), Nigel Hunt (E, 1959-1963), David Smith (D, 1970-1974), Adrian Leach (D, 1969-1974), R ichard Stovin-Bradford (C, 1971-1975), Niel O’Neill (E, 1967-1971), Anthony Appleby (F, 1953-1958), Gerry Williams (B, 1952- 1957), Tony Robathan (F, 1946-1950), Charles St. Johnston (B, 1955-1960) and Dr Nick Cooling (C, 1969-1974). 26th April 2019 – Midlands Dinner The OSE Midlands Dinner was held at a new venue, the Castle at Edgehill near Banbury overlooking the famous Civil War battlefield of 1642.

Included in the party were our President, Vice President and the Warden Stephen Jones who, amongst other things, updated those present on the exciting building projects the School is undertaking around the Quad and the construction of a new House adjacent to Field House. It was a very happy and relaxed evening, enjoyed by all in a beautiful setting. In attendance: Charles Cooper (G, 1961-1966), Nick Shott (C, 1971-1976), Chris Turner (B, 1961-1966), Howard Bales (G, 1968-1973), Chris Northcote- Green (B, 1963-1968), David Smart (C, 1968-1972), John Wiggins (MCR), Warden Stephen Jones, James Synge (B, 1964- 1969), Richard Wenham (D, 1959-1964), John Alexander (B, 1961-1965), Brian Ireland (F, 1949-1955), Mike Rosewell (former MCR), Simon Mackaness (C, 1974-1978), Hector Wells (A, 1973-1978), Michael Palau (B, 1959-1964).

Earlier in the day Major Bernie Broad can be seen inspiring the Cadets

Charles Cooper, President

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