Rhubarb 2019
ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b
Births and Baptisms
ANDREWES/BRANSON - To Freddie (C, 1995-2000) and Holly (J, 1998-2000), Lola Snow Templeman Andrewes, 29th December 2018. She has joined her loving brother and sister, Artie and Etta.
married Eric Lindstrom, a retired doctor of internal medicine and now a professional composer, singer, trombone and keyboard virtuoso. Michael expressed surprise to discover that the California form of civil marriage is lifted straight from the Book of Common Prayer. As California residents, they will be living most of the year in the Coachella Valley, whilst spending summers in Denver, Colorado. STREET/SAFDARI - Joanna Street (D, 2002-2007) and Daniel Safdari on 22nd December 2018 at Eynsham Hall, North Leigh, Oxford. OSE in attendance included Jo’s brother Ben Street (B, 2006-2011), Emma Buchanan (née Searle) (D, 2005-2007), Bertie Crossley (née Searle) (K, 2005-2007), Sophie Carmichael (K, 2002-2007), Dan Cadoux- Hudson (C, 2001-2006), and the photographer Hamish Roots (B, 1993-1998).
ELDRIDGE - To Drew (C, 1998-2003) and Ellie, Phoebe Eldridge, 14th February 2019 at UCLH in Camden.
McINTYRE – To Giles (B, 1996-2001) and Kylie, Albert Oliver McIntyre, 14th April 2018 at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Giles and Kylie were married in Las Vegas on 10th May 2017, with eight OSE and their partners in attendance.
BAXTER - To Sophie (née Lavender) (J, 1997-1998) and Mike, Florence Baxter, 14th July 2018. A sister for Eva who is three years old. CAREY - To Chris (C, 1998-2003) and Madeleine, Alexander (Xander) Patrick Carey, 14th March 2019 at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire, weighing 8lbs 5oz. A brother for Cleo.
HARROD-PIKE – Jessica (née Harrod) (J, 1999-2000). Pictured with her husband Robert and their three children Samuel, Sophia and Jacob (who was born 19th January 2016).
SWAINSON - To Peter (F, 1995-2000) and Jennifer, Matilda Elizabeth Dillwyn Swainson, 28th May 2018. Matilda’s baptism was held in the St Edward’s Chapel on the 4th November 2018, conducted by Rev David Wippell. Guests included Emma Maxted (née Swainson) (B, 1992-1994).
DEVENISH - To William (C, 1998-2003) and Penny, Clémentine Irene Lesley Devenish, 17th March 2019 at University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital weighing 10 pounds. A sister for Hugo and a niece for James Devenish (C, 2000- 2005) and Daniela Devenish (M, 2002-2007).
HELLER – To Douglas (F, 1997-2002) and Momoko, Leo, 8th April 2019 at the Whittington Hospital in London.
Please send details of your news to ose@stedwardsoxford.org
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