Rhubarb 2019

34 ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b



Ribbons among the Rajahs From the mid 18th century onwards, British women started travelling to the East Indies, mostly to accompany husbands, brothers or fathers. Very little about them is recorded from the earlier years, about the remarkable journeys that they made and what drove them to travel those huge distances. Some kept journals, others wrote letters, and for the first time Patrick Wheeler (E, 1957- 1962), a retired consultant physician and gastroenterologist, tells their story in this fascinating and colourful history, exploring the little-known lives of these women and their experiences of life in India before the Raj. With a perceptive approach, Ribbons Among the Rajahs considers all aspects of women’s lives in India, from the discomfort of traversing the globe and the complexities of arrival through to creating a home in a tight-knit settlement community. It considers, too, the effects of the subservience of women to the demands of men and argues how much more equitable and socially balanced life was during the fusion of European and Indian cultures that existed before imperial times.

Twelve Shaldon People Nick Cooling (C, 1969-1974) describes his book as a testament to the collaboration of the people of Shaldon. It provides twelve stories of twelve lifetimes which should give the reader a feeling for the characters of the village in days past and also an understanding of the huge diversity and talent of the people who are still around. This volume will be followed later this year by Twelve Teignmouth People then Twelve St David’s People .

Given Half a Chance: Ten Ways to Save the World

Edward Davey (A, 1994-1999) addresses the world’s environmental challenges and sets out ten paths by which to make life better and more peaceful for people, nature, and the planet. Edward writes: ‘This is a book about how to transform humanity’s relationship with the natural environment and bring about a better future for the world and all its inhabitants in the years to come. My argument is an optimistic one. I believe that it is still possible for the people of the world – all seven billion of us today; and a projected 9 billion by 2050 – to find a way to live a dignified life with a lighter footprint on the ecology and climate of this remarkable planet. Despite all that we have done, it is still possible to restore the earth. But we will need to act with great vision, generosity and collective foresight, summoning the best of human intelligence and the human spirit, if we are to do so. To effect this transformation is the abiding challenge of our times.’ The book was published on April 18th 2019 and is available in bookshops and online. Edward is willing to give talks about the book to companies and societies. Please contact ed.davey@wri.org for more information.

Nick Cooling

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