Rhubarb 2019
ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b
Grenville Collins (A, 1956-1959) is Chairman of The Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society, Oxford, www.ibnarabisociety.org which was founded in Britain in 1977 as a Non-affiliated Voluntary Organisation (NVO) and has since become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). The purpose of the Society is to promote the writings and thought of the Andalusian thinker Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi (1165-1240), his school and successors. Ibn Arabi articulates a comprehensive understanding of creation and of the human condition, and in this regard there is a similarity to the position taken by the Neo-Platonists. In order to help fulfil its aims the Society now publishes what is now a bi-annual Journal; the first volume was published in 1982. The Society has embarked on a fundraising campaign in order to endow in perpetuity a Junior Research Fellowship at Wadham College, Oxford, the Ibn Arabi Junior Research Fellowship in Islamic Mysticism. Please contact the Society for information. Kian Akhavan (F, 2014-2018) spent the summer of 2014 in rural Kenya as part of an international team of volunteers helping to build a village school and noticed that there
were far more boys there than girls. He writes: ‘I learned that while the boys were learning in the classroom, the girls were expected to stay home to cook, clean and get married at a ridiculous age. After I left Kenya, I told my mother what I had seen.
I told her it was unfair and that it upsets me. The future of so many girls was going to waste. So she asked me, “What are you going to do about it?’ Kian has established ‘Girls Write the Future’ a non-profit organisation which is aimed at combatting gender inequality in education.
Stevenson, Andrew (C, 1999- 2004) – Works for Movember, a charity raising funds for men’s health issues by challenging men to grow moustaches throughout November. He also ran one of the world’s toughest half- marathons up a 1.27km high mountain in Tasmania. Sturt, Nigel (B, 1941-1946) – Worked for the Woodard Schools 1982 – 1993, has been the chairman of a preservation trust for an Elizabethan guildhall for 25 years, and the trustee for almshouses even longer. Vernon-Powell, Mike (A, 1948- 1952) – Works as fundraising consultant to enhance the income stream of six of the largest national charities but in particular Trust Director of the Need in Nepal Trust, Chairman of Worldwide People for People charity, Director of Fundraising for New Life Mexico and Trustee of Time for Change’s ‘Smile a Minute’ campaign. Also,
venture, for each snack sold 1p is donated through the Bihar Development Foundation UK to support health camps in Bihar for the local farmers to detect risks of heart disease, strokes and generally create awareness about infections. Pearson, Peter (E, 1968- 1973) - Used to run the British Exploring Society http://www. britishexploring.org Reinboth, Jøergen (B, 2015- 2018) – Along with current pupil Oliver McCrum (Upper Sixth) for last year’s School charity, The Felix Project, raised money through selling wristbands and completed the annual 7 Peak Challenge in Norway. Robathan, Anthony (F, 1946- 1950) – Previously Honourable Secretary for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution in Cornwall for 21 years and in 1980/81 was Vice Chairman of the Truro Cathedral Centenary Appeal Committee.
4.00am on 23rd June 2018, starting from Walney West Shore, Simon ran 22 miles to the Lakeside Hotel on Windermere, swam 500m across the lake to Fellfoot Country Park and biked 125 miles to Whitby, finishing in 16 hours! McCrum, Chris (C, 1973- 1978) – Currently consulting at Community Action Marin, and Board Chair of Community Initiatives in San Francisco. McIntyre, Giles (B, 1996-2001) - Supports the local charity SSNAP support for sick newborn babies and their parents. https://www. ssnap.org.uk Norbury, Robert (F, 1951-1954) - Helped raise money for the British Red Cross, the National Theatre, Leap Confronting Conflict, the Royal Grammar School Guildford, and Royal Trinity Hospice. Ogston, Darcy (H, 2007- 2012) – Through a new business based at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford providing
working in association with the Springboard for Children charity’s £70M 10/10 Foundation Appeal and the Worshipful Company of Barbers and Surgeons 7C Appeal to raise £1.5m for medical bursaries. Ward, Harry (F, 1964-1969) – Chair of Trustees of Children in Distress providing residential, educational and hospice services for disadvantaged children through its sister Foundation Copii in Dificultate in Romania. www. childrenindistress.org . Welsh, Andy (G, 1946-1950) – Involved with both the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem which works in China, India and Africa and the Anglican Chaplaincy of Malta and Gozo. Williams, Guy (G, 1970-1973) – Through the Masonic Charity Fund, is raising a fund in memory of Christopher Norton Welsh. Please see Old St Edward’s Lodge No516.
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