Rhubarb 2017

56 ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b

Getting in touch

OSE Reps Cornwall John Crosse jpcrosse108@gmail.com Midlands Chris Northcote-Green northcotegreens@aol.com Tel: 01789 840 375 Wales Graeme Morgan graememorgan@btinternet.com Tel: 02920 554 765 Australia Ian Stuart ikstuart@bigpond.net.au New Zealand David Brooke anda.brooke@xtra.co.nz Martyrs Representatives: President Philip Blanchard p.blanchard2@btinternet.com Vice-President Peter Swainson peterswainson@hotmail.com Honorary Secretary Hugo McNeile hmcn@btopenworld.com Athletics & Harriers Freddie Slemeck fslemeck@caci.co.uk and Fin Kettlewell finkettlewell@hotmail.com Boat Club Alex Cavill alexcavill@hotmail.com Clay Pigeon Shooting Ben Stillwell ben.stillwell@martyrs-sports.org

Rifle Shooting Henry Thomson henry.catesby@googlemail.com Rugby Matt Holyland mattholyland@hotmail.co.uk Sailing Charlie Preston charpres@gmail.com Squash James Dubois james@BDA-Associates.co.uk StVincent Society Phillip Blanchard p.blanchard2@btinternet.com Tennis Dominic Evan-Hart dominic@jmg-associates.com

Singapore Tim Hartnoll tim@x-pressfeeders.com East Africa Hugo Johnstone hugo@reavipingo.co.ke USA, East Coast Michael St John Rowbotham mrowbotham@hotmail.com USA,West Coast Nigel Chaumeton nigelc@ori.org Canada,Toronto Charlie Malone Cricket Simon Talbot-Williams simon@talbotscott.co.uk and Peter Swainson peterswainson@hotmail.com Football Henry Maas hdmaas1@gmail.com Golf Peter Neal martyrsgolf@gmail.com Hockey Jasper Joyce jasperjoyce@hotmail.co.uk and George Creed georgearthurcreed@gmail.com Ladies Sport Grace Robinson gracerobinson@live.co.uk Real Tennis Simon Talbot-Williams simon@talbotscott.co.uk and Charlie Harris charlie_harris123@hotmail.co.uk


OSE Office St Edward’s School Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 7NN

Email: ose@stedwardsoxford.org Telephone: 01865 319438

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cmalone@wildlaw.ca Canada,West Coast Roger Leach roger.leach@shaw.ca

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