Rhubarb 2017

ST EDWARD’S r h u b a r b


The Music School The Ferguson Music School was built when pupil numbers were considerably smaller, so for a number of years, we were restricted both by inadequate facilities and an acute shortage of space for the ever growing numbers of music lessons and ensembles: the need for a new building for music was self-evident. The generosity of many OSE and parents over a number of years, coupled with the School’s commitment to a strong focus on music, have allowed this dream to become a reality. The brand new £7m Ogston Music School, by Tim Ronalds Architects, opened in January. It features 20 practice rooms, seven ensemble rooms, The Weston Recital Room (with seating for 100 people), dedicated Music classrooms, The Fenton Recording Studio, a Rock Room, and The Ferguson Music Library. The School is now able to house the growing number of musicians and provide the space and resources to allow their creativity to thrive.


Music teaching resources have been updated to fit within the new physical space. Donations from many OSE during successive telephone campaigns have allowed us to restore the School’s Bosendorfer piano (pictured here in the new Weston Recital Room with Director of Music Alex Tester), obtain a Transacoustic piano, equip all 20 practice rooms with new pianos and purchase a variety of musical instruments. The School has named an Ensemble Room after the St Edward’s Society, in recognition of their kind support of the Music School. The next goal is to obtain a Chamber Organ to accompany the choir and orchestra in concerts, and enable us to perform baroque works in the Weston Recital Room.

On Sunday 23rd April, we were delighted to welcome OSE musicians back to the School for a special celebration to mark the opening of the brand new Ogston Music School – see page 42 for the full report. If you were not able to join us but would like to see the new Music School, please contact the OSE office on 01865 319438 and we would be very happy to show you round.

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