Prep School Activities at Teddies





COME TO OXFORD TO LEARN ABOUT PPE Monday 14th November 2016 For pupils in Year 7 How would you build the perfect society? If you were in charge of creating a new world order, how would you do it? What would you change? What would you do first? During the day pupils will be introduced to three essential disciplines any budding world-builder needs. Politics : what kind of government will you want? Who will lead it? Philosophy : what kind of society do you want? What are its laws? Will it be just? Economics : How will you satisfy the hopes and expectations of all with limited resources? Pupils will work in teams as, using their new skills and knowledge, they try to build a perfect society using unique 'resource cards'. It won’t be easy, and no two groups will be the same, so they’ll have to think carefully if they are to stand the test of time…


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