Parents Handbook


Staying in touch and where to find information

Key contacts Housemistresses/Housemasters (HMs) are parents’ key point for communication with Teddies. HMs provide parents with contact details for the House and House Team, including for the Matron, Tutor and House Nurse. While HMs have overall responsibility to help pupils in the House thrive at School in academic work, in co-curricular activities and socially, the Tutor, Matron or House Nurse may be the right people to contact in the first instance. • Pastoral issues (wellbeing, issues at home etc) to HM (copied to Tutor and Matron, if you feel it is appropriate) • Academic and co-curricular issues to Tutors, copied to HM • Health related issues and appointments to Matron, copied to HM and House Nurse • Administrative issues (e.g. Saturday night leaves) to HM • Leave weekend logistical arrangements to Matron • Extraordinary leave requests to the Sub Warden and copied to HM – although these should be kept to an absolute minimum A list of other school contacts, including Heads of Academic Departments, and the offices of the Sub-Wardens and Warden, is available on our website here . As a guide, in general, please direct:

iSAMS Parent Portal Once your child has joined the School, you will receive an invitation to create an account on the iSAMS Parent Portal (a data management system used by the school). You will be able to access the following information on it: • Your child’s timetable, teaching set and teachers • Your contact information (you can submit changes via the portal) • School reports and grade cards which can be printed out • The School calendar

Sporting fixtures and SOCS

SOCS is an online calendar used for sporting fixtures. You will be able to access times, dates, maps and match reports here . Although SOCS is not an App as such, on most phones you can save it to your home screen. The password to access team sheets is in the Sub-Warden's notices which are emailed weekly to parents with eNews (see below). Parents are warmly encouraged to come and support home and away fixtures!

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