Parents Handbook
Sixth Form Curriculum Sixth Form pupils at St Edward’s choose between taking A Levels and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB), allowing them to work to their strengths: either taking a deep dive into three or four A Levels or pursuing a wider perspective through the IB syllabus. Our pupils tend to be split evenly between the courses, meaning that we can offer a full range of subjects for both. Whichever route they choose, these courses take pupils on a stimulating journey from GCSE standard to the beginnings of degree-level work. Lessons and prep work are designed to enable pupils to explore their subjects in a critical manner whilst refining their skills for examination papers. Sixth Form pupils are guided in how best to consolidate this learning during their private study and prep time. Sixth Formers can take up the opportunity to study in the Roe Reading room, which is open to them exclusively between 7pm and 9pm every weekday evening for focused study. One of the joys of Sixth Form academic life is the opportunity to be immersed in a dynamic, scholarly and creative community. All Sixth Form pupils are encouraged to participate in the extensive range of societies and events which aim to broaden their understanding of their subjects and the world they are entering as adults. The lively programme of the Super-Curriculum is open to all pupils and is a must for those with ambitions for Oxbridge and similarly competitive universities. Additionally, all subjects offer super-curricular societies, and these meet roughly once a fortnight. The Head of Super-Curriculum
Academic progress is monitored and reviewed by Tutors with pupils weekly and with parents at regular parents’ meetings. These reviews are informed by regular grade cards (available on iSAMS) as well as November tests, mid-course and mock exams. Predicted grades for university applications are published in reports at the end of the Lower Sixth year. Sixth Formers are leading members of the school community and their engagement with all aspects of academic life is highly valued. Languages at Teddies The main languages taught are French, German, Spanish (throughout the school) and Italian, in Sixth Form as part of IB. However, teaching in other languages may be possible and should be discussed with Patrick Herring , Head of Modern Foreign Languages. New Academic Facilities In 2022, we opened our outstanding new academic facilities in the Quad - comprising a bright, modern Library; a sophisticated top-floor Reading Room for quiet study and research inspired by the libraries of Oxford University; a stunning oval-shaped Hall; flexible classroom spaces; a study-deck; break-out spaces for group work; a ground floor café providing an alternative study location. Remind yourself of the fabulous new facilities in our short film here!
publishes details of these at the start of each term. Our programmes for each term are available here .
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