Parents Handbook
Leave Weekends A formal Leave Weekend occurs in each half term. It usually runs from lunchtime on Friday and boarders should return between 6.00pm and 9.00pm on the Sunday evening. The September Leave Weekend begins at about 4.00pm after the School Steeplechase - the annual cross country run in which all pupils are expected to participate and parents are warmly invited to come and support. Please look out for an invitation to the Steeplechase Tea organised by the Friends of St Edward’s. Where Bank Holidays fall in term time the School is open and pupils are expected at school as usual.
For information on the exact arrangements for each Leave Weekend and Exeat, please see the Term Dates here.
Arrangements for Overseas Pupils School is closed to all pupils during Leave Weekends. For many overseas pupils, Leave Weekends provide an excellent opportunity to spend time with friends or family or their guardians. Matrons will send out electronic whereabouts forms – these forms may feel cumbersome but they are part of our requirements under safeguarding guidelines so please do support us by returning them promptly. Holidays All holiday dates and times are available on our website here . Leave Weekends and Exeats (Half Terms) normally start at 1pm (except the Steeplechase Leave Weekend, see above).
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