Oxford Movement Conference

Conference Schedule

9.30–10.00am Registration 10.00am Welcome from the Warden 10.10–11.10am Keynote lecture

2.00–3.15pm Professor William Whyte

The architectural history of St Edward’s – a lecture followed by tours of the School 3.15–3.30pm Tea 3.30–4.30pm PANEL 2 Universities and the Oxford Movement Janet Howarth ‘It is only as a daughter of the church that woman can have her place or be satisfied in her vocation’ (C. M. YONGE): Tractarian perspectives on women’s higher education George Morris Converts and the Catholic

Professor Michael Wheeler ‘A holy and beautiful purpose’: the Oxford Movement and education 11.10–11.30am Coffee 11.30am–1.00pm PANEL 1 Schools and the Oxford Movement Malcolm Oxley The ethos of Tractarian school foundations: theory and practice Ryan Blank Masters and students: Tractarian education and educators

University College: the influence of the Oxford Movement on Catholic higher education, 1871-1882 4.30–5.00pm Closing roundtable, chaired by the Warden 5.00–5.45pm Evensong

Dr Joshua Bennett History and good learning in Tractarian schools 1.00–2.00pm Lunch

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