Issue 12 Arthropoda

What has Fruit Fly ever done for Science?

Karen Teng U6th

evaluates the contributions of fruit fly tests to

ruit flies have been used as F 100 years.Their tiny body, short model organisms for scientific research for over

various area of science

1924 for his work with fruit flies

developed directed to these

lifespan, and high reproductive

which confirmed the theory of


rate make them ideal for genetic

inheritance:‘genes are located

In 1947, fruit flies were the first

research. Research using them

on chromosomes like beads on

animals to go to space! NASA

has contributed to medical

a string, and that some genes

studied the genetic effects of

development as fruit flies and

are linked (meaning they are on

cosmic radiation on living

human genomes have

the same chromosome and

organisms.When the rocket

similarities. 75% of genes causing

always inherited

descended, all flies survived,

human diseases are found in

together)’ (Nature Educator,

with no genetic

fruit flies (Aungst, 2022).

2014). Drosophila have also

mutations (Mancini, 2018).

Many scientific breakthroughs

been used for studying organ

Great amounts of invaluable

were aided by tests on fruit flies.

and tissue development. Meier

insights into evolutionary

They have been used to study

Gorlin syndrome (MGS) causes

biology, disease developments,

adaptation, speciation,

dwarfism, missing patella, and

and medical treatments are

inheritance and other

other skeletal

owed to Drosophila tests. Fruit

evolutionary processes.

abnormalities (Balasov et al,

flies have been a workhorse of

Darwin’s theory of evolution

2020). MGS is caused by

scientific research and

and Mendel’s rule of heredity

mutations in human genes.

contributed to important

were widely known. However,

Scientists can use fruit flies to

discoveries across a range of

Thomas Hunt Morgan, an

detect the mutation locations

scientific fields.

evolutionary biologist and

and functions by introducing

geneticist was not convinced.

mutant human genes into fruit

He won the Darwin Medal in

flies.Thus, treatments can be


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