International Baccalaureate Diploma Guide 2019

Theatre Arts


During the first year of the course (Lower Sixth) pupils explore a wide range of theatre practices using practical skills to support, develop and challenge theory. Pupils are required to investigate the core syllabus areas from the perspectives of creator, designer, director, performer and spectator. Pupils keep a theatre journal throughout the two-year theatre course which charts their development and their experiences of theatre. The syllabus is pupil led. In year two (Upper Sixth) pupils complete four pieces of coursework for HL and three for SL, these are either internally marked and externally moderated or externally marked and collectively form 100% of the final result – there is no final exam.

External Assessments




Task 1: Solo theatre piece (HL only) Pupils at HL research a theatre theorist they have not previously studied, identify an aspect(s) of their theory and create and present a solo theatre piece (4–8 minutes) based on this aspect(s) of theory. Started in February of Upper Sixth year and completed by Easter. Task 2: Director’s notebook (SL and HL) Pupils at SL and HL choose a published play text they have not previously studied and develop ideas regarding how it could be staged for an audience. Started in the Summer Term of Lower Sixth and completed in the Autumn Term of Upper Sixth. Task 3: Research presentation (SL and HL) Pupils at SL and HL plan and deliver an individual presentation (15 minutes maximum) to their peers in which they outline and physically demonstrate their research into a convention of a theatre tradition they have not previously studied. Started in December of Upper Sixth and completed by February Half Term. Task 4: Collaborative project (SL and HL) Pupils at SL and HL collaboratively create and present an original piece of theatre (lasting 13–15 minutes) for and to a specified target audience, created from a starting point of their choice. Started in the autumn of Upper Sixth and completed by Christmas.

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