Gaudy Programme 2018
House Drinks followed by a light lunch in the Marquee 12.00 noon Teddies Rocks the Tent From 1.15pm in the Marquee The First Reserves Felix Ross, Sassy Hammersley, Will Prew, Harry Power (above) What We Cannot Know Jeptha Rowan-Hull, Wilf Cartwright Name Anna Mostyn, Wilf Cartwright, Henry Parsons Cricket
The end of Gaudy and the Summer Term will be officially marked, weather permitting, by the firing of a cannon at approximately 2.30pm. The Latin spoken during the ceremony translates as follows: Annus bene gestus, O Custos? How has the year gone, O Warden? Maxime, o benefactores! itaque dies gaudendi perfecta est. Very well, O Benefactors! And now the time of Gaudy has come to an end. Leavers’ Art Exhibition Until 4.00pm The Art Exhibition Centre Mixed Years’ Art and Design Exhibition Until 4.00pm Art and Design Department
1st XI v Martyrs 11.30am, Upper 1
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