Academic Review 2024
4-16 (Restoule, Karen, 2013). Between the ages of 4 and 18 healthy and active children have an energy requirement of 1400-3200 kcal/day. The diet of residential schools was only 1000 -1450 kcal/day. Height stunting is caused by hunger and malnutrition. It also makes those affected by it prone to developing type 2 diabetes as it causes a greater sensitivity to insulin. Low and high birth weight, insulin resistance and intrauterine growth failure are just a few problems that children of women who got diabetes/obesity due to childhood malnutrition may experience in the early stages of their lives (Mosby & Galloway, 2017). This shows us that the residential schools have affected generations of Indigenous families, leaving them with conditions which will affect their whole lives and dictate the activities that they can do. Residential schools were a form of cultural genocide and were caused by racism. We can see how past discrimination in healthcare affects a community. Rosy retrospection is a type of cognitive bias ‘whereby people simplify or exaggerate to judge the past more favourably than the present’ (Oliver, 2018). Canadian healthcare professionals and medical schools may remember “positives” of residential schools depicting them in a positive way instead of recognising them as harmful. This has led to reduced trust between the Indigenous community and healthcare providers in the present day. “ This is a stereotype and explicit bias as the healthcare providers made the decision knowingly acting with prejudice. ”
for Canadians with tuberculosis was an outpatient drug therapy. He had to undergo this surgery because it was assumed that Indigenous patients were careless with their health. This is a stereotype and explicit bias as the healthcare providers made the decision knowingly acting with prejudice. Tallow faced blatant discrimination at a racially segregated hospital due to his cultural background which led to his treatment plan being affected by bias/stereotypes (Larsson, 2014). Hospitals were so small that old people, sick children and patients with tuberculosis were in the same area which increased the risk of infection. Many cases of illness arose because of this but when it was brought up it was dismissed. The poor conditions of the hospital were justified by the patients’ “inadequate” homes (Lux, 2016). The nutritional experimentation on minors in Canadian residential schools 150,000 Indigenous children attended residential schools. They were subjected to nutritional experimentation as researchers tested their theories about food and vitamins on them. Researchers took advantage of the nutritionally deficient diet of the children at these schools. Control groups were made, and children were regularly deprived of nutrients which the researchers thought were beneficial. In the 1940s in northern Manitoba children suffered blindness and an outbreak of tuberculosis. They suspected that malnutrition was to blame. In a school of 300 only 40% of students were given nutritional supplements which left the other 60% without treatment as they were the control group. The purpose of schools should be the development of the learner. Many Indigenous children were left without proper nutrition which affected their education. Those who did not cooperate were subjected to physical abuse (Kassam, 2018). The Governance of Health Research Involving Human Subjects (HRIHS) is a study which the Law Commission of Canada commissioned. It focuses on respect for the dignity and rights of research subjects (Roigt, et al., 2004). It shows that today the Canadian government is trying to right the wrongs of its past and to conduct research ethically in a way that maintains trust between the community and society. The ages of the children who attended residential schools was
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