Academic Research Booklet


Example essay questions To what extent does TOPIC determine VARIABLE according to SPECIFIC place/ location/ company/ sector/ person, author etc.

To what extent does the effect of climate change impact the economy of South Africa ? How far was the Christian Democrat victory in the Italian elections of 1948 influenced by Cold War tensions ? To what extent was poor leadership the reason for the defeat of the Ottoman armies at the gates of Vienna in 1683 ? To what extent is wireless networking a feasible alternative to cabled networking within a whole-city context of San Francisco ? To what extent has Zoonation’s interpretive dance successfully transformed the characterization of the White Rabbit and the Red Queen in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to explore mental illness ? To what extent does geography influence the use of French idiomatic expressions ? How is Flaubert’s portrayal of Emma in Madame Bovary delivered and affected by the costuming in the film version by Claude Chabrol (1991) ? Can the physical and chemical properties of the undiscovered elements be predicted using the law of periodicity ? How does the exponential function, and its calculus , inform areas of science such as nuclear physics, geology, anthropology or demography ? To what extent would a 10% decrease in honeybees change the output of crops grown in the UK ? To what extent do energy drinks affect recovery rates in middle-distance runners ? To what extent does wisdom imply acting in accordance with the order of nature , according to the Tao Te Ching ?

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