Academic Research Booklet


Descriptive vs. reflective writing Avoid writing descriptively by ensuring every sentence discusses skills learnt or being developed, a challenge anticipated or overcome or solutions/ proposed solutions to those challenges. Consider the exemplars and analysis on the following pages which were written by previous Teddies IB pupils for their EE. The ‘Descriptive writing’ pupil received a total of 1 out of 6 points for their reflections, the ‘Reflective writing’ pupil received 6 out of 6 points. If doing an EPQ you should be writing reflectively in your project log, if doing an EE you will write 3 reflections throughout the process, in both cases your ability to reflect on your progress will be marked. X Descriptive writing On the 19th of May I had my first Reflection meeting with my supervisor. So far I have read and made comprehensive notes on 5 different historical secondary sources. We also discussed a research plan for half term. Over Half term, I will read the rest of the sources my supervisor put on the shared space, which will make my bibliography 12 sources long, I will find 2 different primary sources, at the moment I will investigate Garibaldi’s “My Life” and the different manifestos Mazzini’s secret societies published. I will also do brief source analysis on these primary sources. I have narrowed my research question as I will either, look at it from the perspective of Garibaldi being the most important factor (which is the consensus amongst most historians) or look at it from the perspective of Count Cavour, and his diplomatic work. (144 words)

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