Academic Research Booklet
To start with, using journal articles was challenging because they are of a high level, but I realised that if I read the abstracts first it would save me time because then I could narrow down my choices to just a few articles to read in full. (47 words) Initially, using journal articles felt challenging but I discovered by reading the abstracts first I could narrow my choices to just a few articles to read in full. (28 words) A couple of weeks in I realised I had not scheduled enough time to work on my essay each week, so I made a new schedule making sure that I gave myself achievable goals for each research session. (38 words) Early on I realised I hadn’t scheduled enough time to work on my essay, so I devised a new schedule and now give myself achievable goals for each research session. (30 words) When I read articles I’ve been making notes on how the article could fit my essay. This was really helpful later when I was creating my essay plan to share with my supervisor. (33 words) Whilst researching I considered how each source might inform my essay and I made careful notes allowing me to create a detailed essay plan to share with my supervisor. (29 words) In conversation with my supervisor, they suggested that it’s easier to write references as you go so I am going to spend some time writing references for everything I’ve used so far and then do so for everything else I go on to use. (44 words) In conversation with my supervisor, I’ve realised it would be sensible to write references as I go so in my next research session I will do this for everything I’ve used so far. (33 words)
Total original word count: 207 words Total edited word count: 154 words
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