Academic Research Booklet
Top Tips:
Book a meeting with Ms Eldred in the library to go over your referencing together and to ask any questions.
Authors should always be written in your references the same way as they appear on publications. For example, if the author writes their name in full you should too, if they include their middle initial you should also include their middle initial.
If a source has multiple authors you MUST list ALL the authors.
If the source has been found online your reference must always include a URL Apple computers only : For journal articles, in the Source Manager in Word, change the Type of source to ‘Document from Website’, add the URL and change back to ‘Article from Journal’. The URL will seem to disappear but it will appear in your bibliography. Websites must include a date of publication and the date accessed - you can use the copyright year at the bottom of the page if there is no date on the article. Journal articles must have the publication date but DO NOT need date accessed as once published they never change. If you cannot find a date you can simply leave it blank however, it is uncommon to see a bibliography with lots of missing dates, please speak to Ms Eldred if you are struggling to find dates. Important: only include references in your bibliography which you have actually cited in your essay. It might be tempting to want to demonstrate your wider reading but this can actually work against you! Listing sources you’ve read but not cited can suggest you didn’t make careful decisions about how you spent your time and were not discerning enough to choose only relevant material.
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