Academic Research Booklet


Writing academically

Writing the essay You must use the language of the question throughout the essay for example the highlighted words: To what extent would a 10% decrease in honeybees change the output of crops grown in the UK? Use CTRL+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Apple) to quickly search for words in your essay. If you have an entire page, section or lengthy paragraph that has not incorporated at least some of the words in your question it’s possible you’ve gone off track! General expectations All sections throughout the essay must refer back to both the title of the section and the essay question.

Academic essays should be written in the third person: ' The conclusion could be drawn...' as opposed to 'I have come to the conclusion...'

Further examples of writing academically in the third person: This essay will focus on… The research pointed to/ led to/ uncovered… Studies suggest… Contrasting opinions were found, opinion 1, opinion 2… In answering the essay question a logical progression of thought suggests… This essay question was developed to explore the idea of… Conclusions could be drawn…

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