Academic Research Booklet


Academic Honesty Plagiarism is the act of copying or using someone else's work without acknowledging that you have done so. It can be done intentionally e.g. copy and pasting something from a website and pretending you wrote it yourself, or unintentionally e.g. copying something from a website and forgetting you had done so. Examiners will not be able to tell whether a piece of work has been plagiarised on purpose or by mistake and as such accidental plagiarism will be treated as intentional. Plagiarism can have very serious consequences which can include losing your qualifications and being refused enrolment later on to further courses run by the same governing body. To write your essay you need to use other people’s work to inform your own ideas and conclusions. To avoid plagiarism you will need to cite your sources using references and a bibliography, see pages 29-34.

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