Academic Research Booklet
Journal Articles The Library provides access to various databases and links to online resources through the intranet pages on dashboard. A journal article is a document produced by academics or researchers who are often associated in some way with a university. They can be considered very credible sources of information and should absolutely be used in your research.
JSTOR is a database full of over 2 million academic journal articles and is also another very good place to start your research.
Google Scholar searches academic research material and allows the use of Boolean search terms helping to narrow down search results.
Research Gate holds millions of articles from around the world, some of which will need to be requested. You can email the library staff with the title of your request. * Important: access Research Gate through the school library pages to avoid being asked to create an account.
To view all the resources the library offers log on to the library pages on dashboard (on the school intranet).
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