Academic Journey 2024-25


At Teddies, we approach teaching our pupils as a collaborative endeavour – between teachers, pupils, Tutors, the House teams and parents. Our senior academic team sets the curriculum for each year, within the parameters of the national curriculum and examination boards. We run a two week timetable, with all subjects spread over weeks A and B. Teachers carefully plan lessons and how best to deliver the contents of the courses. Timetabled prep is set to help pupils prepare for lessons and consolidate learning. Teachers make additional time outside the timetable for pupils to seek help in any area of study. Pupils are expected to engage with their lessons – taking notes, asking questions and contributing to classroom activities and discussions – and should put as much effort into completing prep as they do into the classroom. Tutors are members of the academic staff who have specific responsibility for groups of pupils within Houses. Tutors will talk to pupils regularly about academic work and ambitions. Pupils can also turn to their Housemaster or Housemistress, Matron and other Tutors in the House for help. With around eight academic Tutors in each House, there is usually a subject expert to help. We ask parents to support their children and us by asking their daughters and sons about their work and engaging with their progress.


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